HEINZ Packet Roller™️ – Product Innovation
Stephen Colbert called us stupid.
☝️Career Highlight. Life Highlight.
The context:
Early on during the pandemic, people ramped-up on takeout. This led to supply-chain issues, and an unprecedented ketchup packet shortage (really). So, to help diners with this dilemma, we invented a tool that helps them get the MOST out of every packet that they can get their hands on: The Heinz Ketchup Packet Roller™️.
The truth:
Ketchup packets are more valuable than they’ve every been.
The POV:
We must not waste a single drop of drop of Heinz ketchup.
Some may think it's the "dumbest, most unnecessary invention ever," but this little machine really got people talking. The Packet Roller™️ received over 700 earned placements, resulting in 1.12B impressions and a 99% positive sentiment– which is pretty valuable to a brand that has 100% awareness.
I love this one. It’s silly. It’s “stupid” but it’s so unique to Heinz.
I’m thankful for the tireless effort from everyone who helped us actually bring this idea to life.
Coverage included: AdAge, Delish, FoodBeast, Food & Wine, HypeBeast, The Takeout, Thrillist, TrendHunter, + more